After being here in the U.S. for so long now there are a lot of things that I have forgotten from my time in the Philippines and believe it or not blogging has brought back a lot of good memories from when I was in our native land. As I explore my thoughts on what to post next it also gives me a chance to access memories that have been buried through time.

Ginisang Sardinas
My family didn’t have much money when I was growing up and my mom would have to cook what suited our budget and sure enough, due to lack of money, Ginisang Sardinas does come up on our menu quite often. Even though it was my favorite back then, I got so tired of eating it that I would rather skip a meal than have it again. But now after not having this dish for a while I can honestly tell you I would trade a big juicy steak for this stuff.
That’s why I decided to post this dish on my blog, to share this recipe for those who crave for this dish. Luckily I still have a couple of cans of Ligo brand sardines, which is plenty for this recipe.
When my mom would cook this dish she usually used Kangkong, (water-spinach) but I have also seen her use Pechay (bok-choi) before. The only thing about where I live now is that all they have available nearby is the Big Bok-choi which is not as good as the one we are used to eating in the Philippines the baby bok-choi. Using the American bok-choi is fine, but you will have to cut the bottom of the stalk as it tends to be tough and bitter. I can get the baby bok-choi, but I have to send my wife to the International store which is not close to where we live. |
Having said that I have to use the one that is readily available at our local market. Now let’s get busy!
- 2 Cans of Sardines (Ligo brand if available)
- 1 Bunch of American Bok-choi
- 1 Small onion sliced crosswise
- 1 Small tomato diced
- 3 Cloves of garlic peeled and smashed
- 3 Tbs. Soy sauce (Silver-Swan)
- ½ Tsp. Ground black pepper
- ½ Tsp. MSG (vetsin) optional
- 2 Tbs. Corn oil
- 1 Cup of water
Prep the Bok-choi / Pechay:
- Start by preparing the bok-choi by removing all the stalks and rinsing them thoroughly.
- Next cut off about two inches from the bottom to remove the tough part and then separate the leafy part by cutting the stalk off from the leafy part (see pictures).
- Slice them separately.
- Chop the stalk part first and then proceed to the leafy part, but do not mix them together.
- The stalk does require a longer time than the leafy part to cook therefore you should cook the stalks first and then add the leafy part later.
- That’s why I said you shouldn’t mix them at this point.
The cooking process:
- In a large saute pan, heat oil. Next saute garlic until golden brown, add the tomatoes and onions, and let it cook until onions hit the shiny stage.
- Then add the bok-choi stalks and let them cook for 2 minutes.
- Now add the bok-choi leafy part along with the sardines, soy sauce, water, msg, and black pepper.
- Cover and let it cook for 3 minutes or until the bok-choi is tender.
- Adjust taste by adding salt and pepper if needed.
- Serve rice topped with Ginisang Sardinas. Enjoy!
Good Day Madam,
Can we use your photos in your website for our contest? We really need your help. We hope that you’ll answer us.
Genera Rose Villa,
First off, I’m a Sir not a Madam! But you may address me as Robert. Anyway, yes you may use my pictures but please put a the proper attribution (credits) on each and every photograph you use from this site. Also if posible I would appreaciate it, if you could also put a link back to this site..
thanks a lot for this wonderful recipe, Robert. I haven’t had canned food in quite a while but this week I’ve ran out of budget so I bought some canned food from the grocery. Running out of money is a blessing in disguise cuz it forced me to re-discover the joys and comfort of eating these foods I used to eat back home.
It was a great joy to taste Century Tuna hot and spicy flakes again yesterday and sprinkle calamansi on it to make it spicier. It was amazing. Thanks for the recipe, I will prepare ginisang sardinas for dinner. and tomorrow I will attempt to cook ginisang corned beef, thanks a lot…. ^^
Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to create this phenomenal website/blog. Posting the pictures of the items are also very helpful. seeing the pictures even makes your mouth watery. my anticipation of cooking just inspire me and motivates me to cook instead of eating out. thank you again. are you going to add more recipe for sometime. that would be so awesome!!!!
I followed this to the cue. Minor adjustments, of course, on the contents because I was cooking a little more, but it tasted great and actually was my first time to have this kind of dish combination.. I’m thinking of adding sotanghon or angel noodles next time too.. My wife and mother-in-law loved it.. Mind the sodium on the sardines because it tasted great anyways..hehehe
Hello Robert,
Have you tried making Bangus in Oil (Spanish Style)? I could barely remember eating at a schoolmate’s house (years and years ago) a Bangus in Oil dish cooked in a pressure cooker and it was so good. Bought some Victorias Bangus at our local pinoy grocery store in Katy, TX but it didn’t came close. Hope you can help. Thanks.
OMgosh!!! Ligo Sardines:) When I saw the picture of the can memories came flooding back:) I love Ligo Sardines!!! I couldnt figure out why I couldnt stand any oother sardines in spite of the fact we use to eat it all the time:) Now I know why:) Now all I have to do is find it !!! I cant wait to try this recipe!!
OH I miss this one. This is like a comfort food for me. Comfort because that is the fastest and the easiest I can cook and without exerting effort. I love it during typhoon season.
BTW… I want to let you know that I linked u up so that when anytime I will have any craving or running out of ideas for meal, you will come handy. My best regards.
i have been looking for a recipe of a healthy dish for my dad who just had a poor heart check result earlier today, and i came upon this. Thanks.
Gee! It looks so goody! Yum’O!! I love sardines. I’ll make one like this on Friday. Thanks for the recipe.
hi robert…thanks for your husband will love this ..ginisang sardinas…im married to american man here in indiana,USA.he loves rice..i cooked some filipino dishes for him and your helping me tru this request….can you cook bistik filipino style…thanks!looking forward,God bless!
I like this and I always cooked sardines with chayote. Sardines with ampalaya which is good too…
i’ll try this one out….YUM-OH!!
Often when I want to eat sardines with rice, my boyfriend often criticized it, he said its not a good pair as food. And this lunch i ate it again and told him about it and got same comments.
Then for my curiosity i googled site and i found these , i forwarded the link to him and i dont know how he will react about the rice and sardinas combination, we filipinos love food we are able to taste anything we liked from expensive to not expensive meals, now i realized what i missed in the philippines its all about “FOOD”. I am a good eater and whenever i crave something i will just go to a restaurant to eat what i like, thats the luxury of being a filipino. We can brag our country about that, we can do restaurant hopping for a cheap prices.
I am looking forward to show more of the meal recipes here to him . I hope he will let me cook one or two or more recipes here later.
Thank you and more power.
God bless…
Thank you so much for posting your mom’s recipe. 😀 I enjoyed eating it. Just that instead of using Ajimoto, I used Magic Sarap. xD
Do you know any other dish that can be cook using Ligo Sardines? Cause my mom keeps buying Sardines for my staff and I wanted them to not waste it just by heating it.
Thank you so much for posting… I just saw it, I made it right away since I just so happened to have 2 cans of Ligo in my pantry and a stalk of bokchoy in my fridge that I had been contemplating on what to make with for a few weeks… well, this turned out to be super delicious and I thank you again for posting it… continue to post on. I enjoy all your postings, and am looking forward to get to try if not all, most of them. thanks you! 🙂
Thank u Mr. Robert. I’ll cook this for my Friends in the Office.
The international food store near my home recently put up a display of Filipino breads at the entrance. I had never thought much about the Filipino cuisine before, but I decided to look up some recipes. I am SO glad that I stumbled upon this website, and especially this recipe. When I saw the description of it as a “poor mans dish,” I knew it would be tasty! (and inexpensive). I made this two days ago, (with the Ligo brand sardines) and my husband and I LOVED IT!! Thank you so much for sharing…this will soon become a regular go-to dish for my household.
Sarap nito dre!
Nom Nom Nom kainan na.. mglu2to ako nian! aha
Hi, robert
First off, I’m sorry that I’m poor at English. I don’t speak English at everyday life or work, either. I’m Japanese.
Other day, I saw the Logo cans in the supermarket. that package design was good & lovely. I bought it, and searched the recipe, so I’m arrived here.
It look so delicious! I’ll try it instantly. Thank you.
Hi Wakamatsu,
It’s completely okay. I am glad that you find my recipe interesting enough for you to try it, please let us know how it turns out.
Robert Colinares