In the Philippines we have different types of Lumpia known as Eggrolls, but this one stood out the most. It is considered to be the premium Lumpia. We call this one Lumpiang Shanghai. The one thing that separates this Lumpia among others is the filling.
This Lumpia is mostly meat and it is a lot skinnier than the traditional one. This one is also very popular at most celebrations. Since we all tend to serve the best on the table during special occasions, it definitely makes the cut in that category. Even though this appetizer is easy to make, it is very time consuming wrapping it. So, be patient when it comes to that part and you will be rewarded with one of the best tasting Lumpia you’ve ever had.
Mix and let it cured for at least one day (three days max) the following ingredients before cooking them.
- 1/2 Lb. Ground beef
- 1/2 Lb. Ground pork
- 1 Large head of garlic, peeled & *smashed finely
- 1/2 Cup *finely chopped green onion
- 1 Medium sized Onion, *finely diced
- 1 Large Carrot peeled and *diced finely
- 1 Teaspoon Ground black pepper
- 1 Teaspoon Salt
- Cooking oil for deep frying (Corn oil preferably)
*Use an electric slicer. It will make this process so much quicker!
- Make sure that you put the proper amount of garlic. Otherwise, your Lumpia will taste like the one you buy in the store, bland and not as tasty!
- Like it says above, mix all ingredients thoroughly, cover, and let cure in the fridge for one to three days.
- Go ahead and wrap the Lumpia, then place it in a sealed container, and let it cured before freezing or cooking it. Do not skip the curing process.
- Curing the meat gives it enough time to fully blend all the ingredients.
Wrapping the Lumpia:
Follow the instructions on the back of the Lumpia wrapper. Below is a picture of the brand of wrapper I used.
Do a taste test before wrapping a large batch of Lumpia by cooking one piece and taste it to see if it’s salty enough or/ if it needs more salt. Another thing, your Lumpia will be a little bit more salty after it cures for a while, so please keep that in mind also. This is important step as every ones taste vary from person to person!

Lumpia Wrapper

Wrapping Instructions on the back side!
Cooking Instructions:
- Deep fry Lumpia on low heat to avoid burning the wrapper before the filling gets cooked.
- Make sure the meat inside the Lumpia is thoroughly cooked before serving. I usually just cut into one to check that the meat is done inside.
- Make sure you do this on your first batch to give you a good idea of how long you should cook it. Congratulations, you’re done. Enjoy your Lumpia!
So, am I right in assuming that you don’t cook the meat ahead of time before wrapping and frying? In your other Lumpia (veggie) recipe you cook everything before you wrap and fry.
Yes, the meat is raw when you wrap it… That’s also the main reason that you need to cook it slowly, so the meat will be cook inside without burning the Lumpia wrapper. Let me know if you have anymore question.
Robert Colinares
I made the lumpia shanghai according to your recipe. I followed your recipe exactly and after I cooked the lumpia it tasted VERY salty. I used the same exact wrapper and everything. I’m a little disappointed as I quadrupled the recipe and wrapped over 100 lumpias(you know us filipinos always have to make a lot). They are now frozen and of course I will eventually fry it up for the family, but once again, it was very salty. Other than that, I believe it would’ve turned out perfect! My dad recommended I use soy sauce instead (he has been making lumpia for over 50 years), so maybe I’ll try that next time?! I appreciate you sharing your recipes!
Hi Tessie,
I am very sorry about your Lumpia being way too salty. You did everything right it was my fault, I meant “one teaspoon” not one tablespoon. I know it’s a little late now, but I should have mention on my recipe that after seasoning your meat you need to cook one and do a taste test. Unfortunately you have to do it this way for any recipe that couldn’t be tasted when it’s raw. You do the same thing if you cook a seasoned hamburgers, always do a taste test before making a large batch. Again, I apologized for this!
Robert Colinares
Hi Robert,
I stumbled upon your website while browsing the net for the Bicol Express Train. Ang layo di ba? I got stuck after I read your Bicol Express recipe – aside from being a Bicolana, I love to cook also.
I was reading your lumpiang shanghai recipe and would like to share that I use soy sauce to impart that oriental taste to the dish. I also use chopped fresh celery or if not available, kinchay, to add a fresh flavor to the lumpia. Somehow, it cuts through the oiliness of the dish.
I hope that you would continue posting additional Filipino recipes – I always look forward to cooking a dish the very first time. 🙂
Thanks for adding the tip!! I will try and make a small batch again sometime this weekend. 🙂 I am sure it will be very tasty!
Thank you for the tip about marinating the filling for 3 days. I have never done that nor have I seen anyone I know do that before but I am going to try it as soon as possible! I also like to add a little patis for taste.
Hi Sheila,
Just a reminder: After you finish adding all the ingredients always do a taste test by wrapping and cooking one Lumpia. Taste is and make adjustment accordingly before wrapping all of it. Good luck on your cooking!
Best Wishes,
Robert Colinares
I am so excited to find your website! I have an aunt that’s from the Philippines and every summer at my farmers market there a stand but now we have moved away from both 🙁 this is something that I crave A LOT!!! now i will have a chance to try it out myself as my aunt has a very heavy accent and is hard to understand (especially when she gets excited) any way thanks so much!
I have made lumpia Shanghai for many years and have always used an egg as a binder. I noticed you don’t use a binder of some sort. Does this mean it is not needed? Thank you for your website.
I haven’t made them in years. A friend gave me a recipe (I’ve lost it) and I thought I cooked the meat first. I will follow your recipe but it would help if there was a rough estimate on how long they should cook. I’ve looked at lots of recipes & on youtube, and that seems to be the one bit of info that’s missing on all the sites. Thanks so much.
Hi Renne,
Sorry for a little delay on my response. The reason there is no cooking time given when frying this because it varies from size of your Lumpia and how much meat it has inside. For my recipe, you have to fry it very slowly to make sure the meat filling is thoroughly cook. So, try this! Heat your oil to low heat then start frying your Lumpia and make sure your Lumpia is totally submerge in oil.
Then fry it for four minutes each side then take it out and cut it in half and see if the meat inside is no longer pink. The whole idea of frying this slowly is not to burn the wrapper and making sure that the fillings is thoroughly cook. Hope this answers your question. Good luck on your cooking.
Robert Colinares
I don’t make my lumpia with beef but I’ll try it next time:-)I used to fry some of my mixture first before wrapping but now a days I don’t do it anymore,since I’ve been doing it so much already…but they turned out to be so good,my kids and hubby(from Guatemala)loves them!I just wanna share it with u that when I make my shanghai I add some jicama(singkamas)and a tsp.of sesame oil…try it and let me know how u liked it!
Cherry Morales
I have made full size lumpia only once. I would like to make half sized. If I cut the wrappers in half on the diagnal, how do I wrap?
i love to eat filipino foods.. i like your blog.
Letting the meat cure for two to three days is essentially the process for making a fresh loose sausage — I’d never thought about letting it sit to cure — will definitely have to try this recipe but believe I will substitute soy for the salt or do a combination.
I followed your instruction on how to cook lumpia, low fire, but the skin wrinkled and not as smooth as the one in the pictures. And what’s the difference of adding egg and substituting kinchay instead of green onion stalks? and how “curing” is done” ? Thank You!
The best lumpia I ever tasted was at the EM club(San Miguel,P.I.) Since then, my wife ran into a Philippino lady at work and she made it exactly the same(incredible). Unfortunately, we didn’t get the recipe. I am anxious to try yours. Have been making it with gr. pork, ham, and bacon in past. As for salt, we always used MSG. Deep fat frying time for us has usually been 4 mins. or so. Thanks for the recipe.
Please let me know why others use an additional ingredient like eggs to the mixture. Thanks!
Hi Mary,
Sorry for the late response, I’ve been so busy with school works lately. I can’t tell you why others add eggs to the mixture. I use eggs for the purpose of bonding the wrapper together.
Robert Colinares
robert,with us living in west Ga,Lumpia wrappers are not at the storechains priorities.could you recommend another wrapper that would be suitable?
Kinchay substitute is not green onion. If you want to substitute Kinchay use celery leafs. The egg is not really an ingredient it is only use as an adhesive so, the Lumpia won’t unwrap while frying it.
To those who asked what the eggs are for; they act as a binder so the meat does not fall apart during cooking. I also add water chestnuts in my mix and it gives it a slight crunchy-nutty taste! Enjoy.
James Corn from West GA,
Lumpia is basically a different name for spring rolls. Of course, with different ingredients inside. Try looking in the supermarket for spring roll wrappers. I believe they come in two different sizes. Both are square but one is quite bigger than the other. Ask the manager if they carry them or if they could start ordering them to have available in their store. If you have any stores around you that carry any Asian type food products, look there also.
Depending on how badly you want to make these, you could always go to an Asian restaurant near you and ask them if they know of a place you could buy wrappers that would be suitable to make the lumpia, or spring rolls.
Hopefully by now, you have already found wrappers and have enjoyed some great tasting lumpia. I just found this recipe today and I’m very excited to try it! My best friend’s Mom (Filipino) used to make these alot when we were in high school and I loved them. I buy them frozen at an Asian market, but am going to make my own from now on.
Hopefully my information can help you if you haven’t been successful in finding any wrappers.
Good luck and good cooking!
Since soy sauce is also very salty, how much would you recommend. I also am not where lumpia wrappers are available so I use egg roll. I used to eat these all the time as well as other (great) Filipino food when I was stationed in Subic. I have made these once from a different recipe but like others,I was unaware of the curing process. I will definitely try these. Thanks so much for the great website.
Hi Jeff,
Sorry for the late response my schedule is been so hectic lately from school commitments. Anyway, are you trying to substitute the salt with soy sauce?
If so, I would suggest three table spoons to start and mix all ingredients well then wrap one egg roll and cook it to see if the taste is to your liking if not repeat this process until you do (only adding small amount of soy sauce at a time). Hope this helps.
Best of luck,
Robert Colinares
Thanks for your previous reply. I am making another batch this weekend and am wondering what temperature that you define as low heat (so the lumpia will not burn)? Most recipes say to do them at 375 degrees but that seems way to high. Please give me an idea of what temp you deep fry yours at. I have gotten rave reviews so far but my last batch were pretty “well done”.
Hi Jeff,
I am not really sure what temperature I fried mine since I have not exactly use a thermometer to measure the heat. However, my suggestion would be to not to cook 375 degrees that would be way too hot. I would start about 250 to maybe no more than 300 degrees.
Once your Lumpia turns golden dark brown take it out and cut it in half and see if the meat is no longer pink in the middle if not then lower your heat by 25 degrees and cook another one until it turns the same color and repeat the process until the meat filling is thoroughly cook through. I hope this helps.
Robert Colinares
Thanks, I also have some leftover filling. Can you freeze it and use it at a later date and if yes, would you freeze in in bulk or pre-make the lumpia and freeze them that way so they would be ready to deep fry when you thaw them out?
I would wrap them and freeze it or you can shape them like patties and save it for breakfast sausage patties. That’s what I do with my leftovers, they are pretty good actually.
In response to Robert Colinares (says: May 26, 2011 at 9:01 AM) Actually, It is based on the cook & where they come from in the Philippines. There are a thousand islands, & languages in the Philippines, & probably just as many variations also. My wife cooks her seasoned meat first. There is a real difference in the taste.
I made this lumpia. It was the BOMB! It was so easy to make. The combination of ingredients is just right for someone who’s not sure about making lumpia and so very tasty. I was also able to find the same brand of lumpia wrappers at my local Asian market. I will be sharing this recipe with friends and family for sure and of course I will be making it again very soon!! Thanks again!!!
Hi Lyn!
I am glad that you liked my recipe and thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Robert Colinares
My family loved this. The taste was amazing. I couldn’t find the lumpia wrappers so I used egg roll wrappers, they were smaller and just perfect with a salad. We first tried lumpia at our local farmers market. I’ve tried freezing them but they get eaten so fast there’s not any to save. Thank you for this wonderfully easy recipe.
Hello! I love all of the comments posted so far. I come from a Filipino family and the way that we cook our lumpia is with soy sauce instead of salt. I would like to try this recipe and see any differences. Also, to wrap our lumpia we use water to seal the edges. When you seal your lumpia, I noticed that you use egg. Is that an egg wash? Also, like you, we use raw meat when cooking the lumpia. I noticed some posts above that have cooked the meat before filling the wrappers. Have you tried raw meat in lumpia? If so, what was your experience?
Hi Jacks,
This recipe is the raw meat. Just follow the interactions and you should be fine.
Robert Colinares
Where can I buy lumpia wrappers I need some by next week
Hi Brianna,
If you’re from St. Louis Missouri USA, I can easily point you to the store where you can get it. However, if your elsewhere in the world my best advice is to Google any Asian groceries store near by where you live and call them and see if they have Lumpia wrappers. Sorry, this is the best answer I can give you. Good luck!
Robert Colinares
In regards to the eggs use in lumpia, the Filipino lady who taught me cooked all ingerdients and allowed the to drain excess moisture. Then a beaten egg to the mix to act as a binder . Works great and doesn’t add taste.
Where in St. Louis do u get wrappers?
H Amy,
You can get these wrappers at these two International Groceries Stores:
Global Foods Market
421 North Kirkwood Road
Kirkwood, MO 63122
(314) 835-1112
Seafood City
8020 Olive Boulevard
University City, MO 63130
(314) 993-2800
I hope this helps,
Robert Colinares
That is so delicious
I just purchased all the ingredients needed however I had a question regarding the green onion. For the 1/2 C of green onion needed do you only use the white of the onion or the green stalk as well to equal the 1/2 C.
Thank You
I use mostly the white portion but you can add alittle of the green closest to the white. These are awesome, as good if not better than the ones I got when I was in Subic Bay while in the Navy! Have gotten several compliments on them as well! Enjoy!
Thank you for the recipe and answering all the questions! I am going to try to make lumpia for the first time. I need to roll the lumpia one day in advance. Can I leave it refrigerated until I cook it the following day or do I need to freeze them?
Thank you!
Hi Robert,
I need some advice. I usually make my lumpiang shanghai at home already cooked before wrapping it because I keep it in the fridge for 2 weeks and to make sure that it won’t get spoiled. Would you suggest that if I am to make bulk orders, do I cook it first before wrapping, or to wrap it raw? If I will wrap it raw, how can I make sure that it won’t get spoiled even if it’s not frozen? Looking forward to your kind reply.