Longanisa, does this word sounds familiar to you? No? Okay, then let me tell you what it is then. Longanisa sausage is the Filipino version of the Hispanic Longaniza. Although the original sausage is dry and ready to be eaten the way it is; Filipino longanisa is a bit different than the Hispanic version. The […]
Posts Tagged ‘ground pork’
Ginisang Sayote
Posted by Robert Colinares on January 21st, 2011

Ginisang Sayote with ground pork is a simple, easy, and healthy dish, using only a few ingredients and you and your family can have a very satisfying meal. Sayote or/ Chayote is a member of the squash, melon, and cucurbit family. It can be found in tropical climate countries around the world. Chayote is somewhat […]
Lumpiang Togue
Posted by Robert Colinares on December 28th, 2010

Lumpiang Togue definitely brings back good childhood memories when I was in the Philippines. I remember they had these Lumpia stacked up high along with some Banana’s and Kamote Q’s. I used to buy these things and eat my heart out. The vinegar sauce that is pre-made by the street vendors is out of this […]