Kaldereta or Caldereta is definitely a top ranked, favorite dish in the Philippines. This dish is served wherever there’s a gathering whether it’s formal or just a family get together. Caldereta has been adapted from the Spaniards during their occupancy in the Philippines and Filipino’s didn’t waste any time in making their own version. The […]
Posts Tagged ‘patatas’
Posted by Robert Colinares on June 21st, 2012

When it comes to this dish I just can’t get enough if it. There are so many variations when it comes to Nilagang Baka or Beef Soup Bones, but this one has to be one of my favorite ones. Bulalo or Beef Shank is not the most healthy food among Filipino’s line of goodies, as […]
Nilagang Buto ng Baka
Posted by Robert Colinares on June 26th, 2007
This is one of my favorite comfort foods. It reminds me a lot of hot summer days in the Philippines sipping on a hot broth during lunchtime. With a little bit of fish sauce (patis) for dipping sauce, spiced up with Thai peppers, (siling labuyo) it really brings out my appetite. I have two different […]