Stir-fry beef liver is not a common dish here in America. It is mostly known to be used for liver and onions which is the simpler version of this particular dish. Although not many people get excited at the sound of beef liver or any liver for that matter, there are some who appreciate it. […]
Posts Tagged ‘thai peppers’
Paksiw na Isda

Paksiw is undoubtedly the next best dish to Adobo since the dish is versatile and adaptable much the same as Adobo is. Paksiw is also very popular in the Philippines since it has the longest shelf life of any other dish due to its main ingredient, the vinegar. The most common way of preserving food […]
Paksiw na Isda

Paksiw na Isda is an ideal dish for my family back in the days in the Philippines. This simple dish is not only delicious it also does not required refrigeration and not having have a refrigerator back then this dish was often found in out dining table since it can set for a couple of […]
Bicol Express

For this episode of Lasang Pinoy I was honored to be invited by Kai to participate in the 24th episode. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the invitation early enough due to a send-mail issue with my web server. Having said that, I have to use my previous recipe blog that I wrote several months ago. Even […]