Kaldereta or Caldereta is definitely a top ranked, favorite dish in the Philippines. This dish is served wherever there’s a gathering whether it’s formal or just a family get together. Caldereta has been adapted from the Spaniards during their occupancy in the Philippines and Filipino’s didn’t waste any time in making their own version. The […]
Posts Tagged ‘carrots’
Fish Cakes
Fish cakes come in so many versions that you can actually adjust the taste to whichever country you’re from and the result is always mouth-watering satisfaction. I remember growing up in the Philippines, these cakes could be found just about anywhere when the street food vendors were around. Filipinos eat these cakes mostly as snacks […]
Burger Beef Stew

Burger Beef Stew is my version of regular Beef Stew. I use ground beef, which has a few benefits over regular stew meat. For one, hamburger doesn’t require cooking a long time for it to be tender, it is easier to cook and handle, and lastly, it’s a bit cheaper than regular stew meat. This version […]
Chicken & Broccoli

Chicken & Broccoli is another favorite among Filipinos. Although it’s not really a traditional Filipino food, it does share just about every ingredient that is commonly used in the Philippines. With that being said, Filipinos didn’t have any trouble adapting to this wonderful dish. The way I cook this recipe is pretty much the same […]
Pancit Canton
Pancit Canton is a dish you will often see on just about any special occasion in the Philippines; however if these noodles are not cooked correctly, they can get a distinct soapy taste that most people don’t appreciate. That’s why this dish is often time the second choice of noodle lovers in the Philippines. I played […]

Sopas is delicious and it’s fairly easy to make. A few parts of chicken, some hotdogs, and macaroni can put a smile on the faces of most Filipino children or adults. Sopas can be found not only in the kitchen in most homes during afternoons, but it is also very popular in side walk cafeterias […]
Lumpia – Shanghai

In the Philippines we have different types of Lumpia known as Eggrolls, but this one stood out the most. It is considered to be the premium Lumpia. We call this one Lumpiang Shanghai. The one thing that separates this Lumpia among others is the filling. This Lumpia is mostly meat and it is a lot […]
Pansit Bihon

Pansit Bihon is very common this dish is in the Philippines; you will find it at just about every special occasion. I am not really sure the reason why this dish is so popular in the Philippines other than the obvious reason that it tastes good and is relatively cheap to make. For most Filipino’s, […]
Lumpiang Togue

Lumpiang Togue definitely brings back good childhood memories when I was in the Philippines. I remember they had these Lumpia stacked up high along with some Banana’s and Kamote Q’s. I used to buy these things and eat my heart out. The vinegar sauce that is pre-made by the street vendors is out of this […]
Pork Fried Rice
As with most Asian countries, the most consumed food in the Philippines is rice and Pork Fried Rice is one of the top contender when it comes to leftover rice. It is most often boiled and served during most meals. Left over rice is often fried with garlic and onion to make sinangag (fried rice), […]